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Monday, December 15, 2008


As a teenager I worked at McDonald's, like thousands of other Canadians. It was truly a remarkable place to work. There were so many amazing and unique individuals working there. I do not know if something attracted such people, or if the stressful work conditions weeded out the weaker souls, but for some reason there seemed to be a cadre of intelligent and like able people the whole time I worked there. Conversation around the tiny staff room table was wont to be about any number of subjects. I remember one day listening to the car stereo my friend Roger had installed in the wall. Bruce Cockburn was blaring from the speakers.

Ken- (singing) "If I had a Rocket Lawn Chair..."

Me- What???

Ken-I'm singing along. "I'd blow them all away!"

Me-A Rocket What?

Ken- "Lawn Chair"

Me- It's Rocket Launcher! How can you blow something away with a Rocket Lawn Chair?

Ken- I thought he was trying to escape the cares of the world on his rocket propelled lawn chair.

Me- This is like last week when you thought Neil Diamond was singing about "Reverend Blue Jeans"

Dave- It's called completion.

Ken- The song?

Dave- No the psychological phenomenon you are talking about.

Me- Are we talking about psychology, I thought we were talking about Neil Diamond?

Ken- What's completion"

Dave- Completion is when the brain gets insufficient or conflicting information it fills in the bits it doesn't get. Like one, two, four, five...

Ken- I get it, Four!

Richard- Three!

Dave- You got it, Richard. Your mind fills in what is missing with something that makes sense.

Me- Rocket Lawn Chair doesn't make any sense.

Dave- Apparently it does to Ken!The human brain's a miraculous thing, nature abhors a vacuum.

Ken- National Whores Vacuum?

Richard- Ken, your brain is whacked!

Dave- No, it's just that he perceives it differently than you do Richard that's why his interpretation is different.

Richard- Different isn't the word for it.

Ken- Thanks, Dave, see Richard I'm not whacked, I just have a different imperfection than you do.

Richard- Interpretation! Though I'm not sure what language you are interpreting.

Me- That's what I like, I learn something new every day.

Dave- It happens with vision too, if you had, say, a blind spot and you looked at a pattern your mind would fill in the pattern. Say you had a migraine, sometimes they are accompanied by a temporary blind spot. If you looked at a brick wall your mind would fill in the missing bricks.

Me- That's cool, what if there were a picture hanging right in the middle of my blind spot?

Dave- You wouldn't even see it! You would just see bricks.

Me- You see I learned something new!

Ken- I just wanted to listen to some good tunes. Hey, Led Zeppelin! "I'll be flying British Airways at seven!"

Dave- I give up!

Like I said great conversation.

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